Friday, November 12, 2010


Over and over again in scripture we see this same message, that those who have had their hearts broken find a very special relationship with God. When we are self-sufficient, the captain of our own ship, there is no need for God. The Lord has taught us that this is wrong, but it has only been through the breaking process that we have found that we need God more than any words could say. When the Lord has broken that hard shell that surrounds our hearts, then the love for God can grow and take shape. Remember, the Lord is close to the brokenhearted, for He is the one doing the breaking. He breaks us so that He might use us. It is an act of love. One we will never regret!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


The ability to live Godly is something every Christian seeks to attain. What about you? Have you taken a good look lately at your attitude and actions during the course of your day? We all fall short of the glory of God, but are you allowing God to change you as He reveals those areas in your life that need to come under His authority? What is God’s Word revealing about the true state of your character? Let’s ask Him today to increase the fruit of righteousness in our lives so that our character will reflect His glory!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Distractions, everyday you face them as a Christian. Although some may seem good, they can steal time from your relationship with God. Learning to recognize each interruption as either a divine rescheduling or an evil diversion takes discernment that only comes from the Holy Spirit. Going with the flow and failing to pray for guidance caused many problems for people in the Bible. We are no different today. We seek man’s opinions before or even as a replacement to God’s divine direction for our lives. Take the time to pray for wisdom each morning and throughout the day to save you from taking a dangerous detour.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Complacent Christians

Complacent Christians are of no use to the Lord. Allowing Satan to lure them to sleep, they no longer have the passionate fire for serving Christ. Has complacency wrapped its ugly fingers around your heart? If you haven’t felt a burden for the lost, gone to church or even spent time in prayer and bible study for ages, chances are your fire is almost out. Before “I don’t care” becomes a permanent part of your spiritual vocabulary, heed God’s warning and let the Holy Spirit fill you anew. Remember God dislikes “lukewarm” Christians!

“He answered: " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind';” Luke 10:27a

Monday, November 8, 2010


Praise God for Christ who paid the penalty with His blood and cleanses all who receive His gift of eternal life. However, even though God sees us as forgiven through Christ’s work on the cross, our flesh continues to pop up new “weeds” that quench and choke out the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. If we pray and confess daily, it’s much easier to defeat Satan and sin. Are there some weedy patches growing in your life? Don’t wait until sin has you completely ensnared before you deal with it. Stop and ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength to pull out all those weeds, so your life might resemble a garden of Christ-like love.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9